We are Chalmette Refining
The largest private employer & largest taxpayer in St. Bernard Parish
We are your partner in Community Projects like Bluebird Park, Tour da Parish and many more….

OUR GOAL: To be a Top producer of Renewable Diesel Energy.
Soybean Oil, Corn Oil- even oil from area restaurants could be used to create non-fossil feedstocks!
To invest in the next generation fuels, Chalmette Refining is retrofitting an out-of-service operating unit known as a hydrocracker with new technology to produce renewable diesel. Our parent company, PBF Energy is making a $600 million capital investment in this project that includes construction of a pretreatment unit that will allow Chalmette Refining to create non-fossil feedstocks from soybean oil, corn oil and other biogenically derived fats and oils.
Louisiana Governor Jon Bel Edwards called the project “innovative” and said it was, “right in line with the goals set out by the Climate Initiatives Task Force I created last year (2020). With this major capital investment in a next-generation energy source and the creation of quality manufacturing jobs along the way, Louisiana would benefit from this project on many levels.”